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February 10, 2021

Using LinkedIn Lists with Dux-Soup to boost your lead generation

Using LinkedIn Lists with Dux-Soup to boost your lead generation

LinkedIn is a fantastic resource to generate new leads and get instant insights. It simplifies the process of finding, contacting, and staying up-to-date with your potential clients and customers.

This blog focuses on some of the more useful profile lists that LinkedIn is able to generate, lists that crucially can all be traversed by the Dux-Soup robot. Tap into this veritable treasure trove of information to better understand your audience, and increase the focus of your LinkedIn lead generation.  

Whether you’re new to Dux-Soup or a veteran of the tool, these tips will help you take your lead generation process to the next level.

People Alert

When using LinkedIn for expanding your network and lead generation, the first point of call is of course, LinkedIn’s people search function.  This option gives you the opportunity to target the type of prospects using a combination of job title, company, location, industry or any of the other filters that LinkedIn offers in the “Advanced Filters” section. 

Learn more about how to filter your LinkedIn search result here.

Once you put your LinkedIn search in place, you can save this search and get weekly alerts from LinkedIn. 

To save your search, you simply need to make a search for a particular job title and click on `Create Search Alert`. Watch this process step by step here:


By using the search alert facility within LinkedIn alongside Dux-Soup you can process updates to your search results quickly and efficiently. With LinkedIn you can receive a weekly alert to your saved search(es) and then let Dux-Soup handle these new leads. With Sales Navigator you are able to get alerts monthly, weekly or even daily.

Don´t waste your time repeatedly specifying and submitting your search criteria. Instead, utilize the search alert to find updated results and ensure you don't miss out on those potential new leads.


Note: You can only have up to 3 searches with the free LinkedIn account.

Group Members

LinkedIn Groups are closed communities of people who have common interests and backgrounds. LinkedIn Groups can expand your LinkedIn network and are the fastest and easiest way to create an extensive network. 

As you know, your LinkedIn network is comprised of connections within three degrees and the members of groups you have joined. LinkedIn profiles that are in the same group are considered part of your LinkedIn network - even if they aren’t 1st, 2nd, or 3rd-degree connections (woo hoo!).

Once you are part of a LinkedIn Group, you can use Dux-Soup to engage with people in that group. And with the additional knowledge of the interest of your prospects, you will be able to better target them to increase the likelihood of a long lasting connection.

Tip: If you have a free LinkedIn account, you will often see this message when you have searched for too many profiles in one month:

This means that you cannot search for any new profiles. However, if this happens, just go to the LinkedIn groups that you are part of and you can engage with anyone in those groups with no limitations.

Just by joining groups, you get the huge benefit of expanding your LinkedIn network. You do not have to participate in every single group you join. The only thing you need to ensure is that you join groups that contain your target audience.

Note:  you can search within LinkedIn groups in Sales Navigator without having to be a member of the group. 

Once you have joined the group, you can see all the group’s members in the top-right corner of the page and run Dux-Soup on this list:

Learn more about the different ways you can expand your network with Dux-Soup using LinkedIn Groups here.

People Who Viewed Your Profile

As the name suggests, this list provides you with the profiles who have recently viewed your profile page. This list is available via

To view the list of profile viewers, click the number under Who Viewed Your Profile section and you can see the people who have looked at your LinkedIn profile over the last 90 days. 

Most importantly, once you open the list you will see the green Dux-Soup message pop-up “At your service”, which means you can run Dux-Soup on the LinkedIn prospects who have recently viewed your profile! What better way to break the ice than to ask them how or why they ended up viewing your profile?

Note: LinkedIn Basic (free account) also has a “Who’s viewed your profile” section. However, that main difference is that LinkedIn Premium will show you an entire list of viewers from the past 90 days and the viewer trends & insights. LinkedIn Basic account will only show you the most recent 5 viewers in the last 90 days.


The majority of educational institutions (schools, colleges, universities, institutions, etc.) have an “official” alumni page based on the education details that LinkedIn members provide. So once you know which school you’re after, you can simply find the school on LinkedIn browse their Alumni page. And unlike groups, you don’t have to be an Alumni of that school to list its Alumni either.

To access a Page’s Alumni section, click the Alumni tab at the bottom of the left-side navigation.

Once you open the LinkedIn page of an Educational Institution. The Alumni page provides a host of filters allowing you to really zoom in on a specific audience for your campaign.

Here is how I would approach an alumni outreach message with Dux-Soup:

Prospecting with Alumni is a highly effective form of finding your audience. So give it a go!

Post Likers

Posting business content helps you optimize your presence and reach the right audience. It’s also a great way to keep up to date with and research your competitors. 

One of the most compelling reasons to follow your competitors is so you can  see what kind of content they share and access their audience by checking out who liked their posts on LinkedIn. 

Under every LinkedIn post, you can see how many reactions the post has received and open the profile list of who reacted to the post. A green pop-up message will appear “At your service!” which means you can perform Dux-Soup actions on this profile list. How cool is that!

Shared Connections

You can usually view the list of shared connections between you and a target 1st degree connection. A great way to expand your network inside a client’s company for example, or maybe even reach out to the clients of your competitor!

Click on the profile from your 1st-degree connections list and you can access their connections under their name. 

Note: Your connection may choose to hide connections.  In this case, unfortunately, you won't be able to see shared connections on the member's profile.

Join our webinar on March 3rd to learn more

We hope this blog has shown that LinkedIn has a treasure trove of information that Dux-Soup can use to seriously boost your lead generation and outreach. 

To learn even more join our hands-on webinar (March 3rd at 8am PST / 4pm GMT) to see how Dux-Soup can use LinkedIn lists such as; Alumni, Groups, Sales Profile Views and People Alert - to enrich and improve your LinkedIn automation processes for better results. PLUS as always, lots of opportunities for Q&A!

Register now and find out how to get the most from different LinkedIn lists with Dux-Soup! 

If you’re reading this after the 3rd of March then watch the recording here


Want to become a prospecting superstar? Get the most from different LinkedIn lists and take your lead generation to the next level with Dux-Soup. Join LinkedIn Group and explore the Alumni that match your target audience and don’t forget to check the search alerts and those who viewed your profile! 

If you’ve got any further questions, feel free to contact Dux-Soup support at and we will be happy to help!


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