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September 7, 2021

Improve your lead gen, with the latest Dux-Soup updates in Zapier, including new actions and triggers

Improve your lead gen, with the latest Dux-Soup updates in Zapier, including new actions and triggers

Recently, we updated Dux-Soup in Zapier! Now, you can easily build a 2-way communication channel between Dux-Soup and your existing CRM, a marketing automation tool or more. You can create triggers to link Dux-Soup Turbo with any other external app and record Dux-Soup events to invoke specific behaviour. This opens the door to endless possibilities working with the data you gather from LinkedIn.

In this blog, we’ll show you how you can trigger different LinkedIn events in Zapier and how you can set Dux-Soup to run a certain action on LinkedIn from a different app, like CRM. 

Note: you’ll need the Turbo edition for Zapier integration to work. Click, to find out more about Dux-Soup integrations.

Triggering different LinkedIn Events with Zapier - 5 easy to follow steps

After the newest update, the triggers in Zapier can be actual Dux-Soup/LinkedIn events and not webhooks anymore.  In order to set Dux-Soup as the trigger app, follow these 5 easy steps:

  1. Create a new Zap and select a trigger app “Dux-Soup”:

  1. Choose the trigger event:

New Profile Visit Event is triggered when Dux-Soup visits a profile on LinkedIn. If you wish to create a new record in CRM or retrieve an email from the profile, this is the event you need to pick. Find out what data you can scrape using the visit event.

New LinkedIn Message Event triggers the Zap when Dux-Soup detects a newly received message on LinkedIn.

New LinkedIn Connection Event triggers the Zap when Dux-Soup detects a new connection on LinkedIn.

New Dux-Soup Action Event triggers the actions you run on LinkedIn using Dux-Soup; such as ‘connection request’, ‘endorsement’, ‘drip campaign enrollment’, ‘direct message’, etc. For testing, please make sure you select the correct event from the drop-down:

Note: For new connection and message events to be detected, please make sure you enable the Message Bridge in the ‘Options’, ‘Connect’ tab. You can also click on ‘Check Regular’, ‘Check Sales Nav’ and ‘Check Connections’ buttons manually:

  1. Once you have received the test data, select ‘Continue’ and choose the Dux-Soup account. To add a new Dux-Soup account to Zapier, make sure you enter the details from Dux-Soup ‘Options’, ‘Connect’ tab:

  1. Set up the built-in filter:

  1. Select ‘Continue’ and add the action app (for example, Google Sheets).

Zapier will then show the sample data that Dux-Soup sent. For example:

You can now add the action app. Zapier automates 3,000+ apps in millions of ways and this is one of them!

Check out our top 5 Zapier integrations!

Setting up Dux-Soup to run a certain action on LinkedIn - 5 easy to follow steps

  1. In order to set Dux-Soup as an action app, first, make sure you have enabled the Remote Control option in the ‘Connect’ tab:

  1. Once you set the trigger app (like Google Sheets or Zoho CRM, possibilities are endless!), add Dux-Soup as your action app. You might even want to use Dux-Soup as a trigger and action app in one Zap (for example, to trigger a new connection event and visit this profile on LinkedIn in order to scrape all available data on the profile):

  1. Afterwards, select the action you want to automate, such as: Visit, Enroll, Connect, Message, InMail, Save Profile as a Lead, Follow,  Endorse, Tag, Disconnect, Save Profile to PDF.

  1. In the next step, make sure you add the Profile URL. You can also delay the remote action: 

  1. That’s it - Dux-Soup is now added as an action app in Zapier. Don’t forget to turn your Zap on!

Note: all actions go to Dux-Dash Queued Activity.

If you don’t set a delay, these actions still go to the queue but are executed immediately unless you have reached the daily limit set in the ‘Options’, ‘Throttling’ tab. Remember, that Dux-Soup executes all automated actions during a profile visit, so the first thing it will look for is the visit limit. If you’re sending connection requests, it will also take into account the connection request limit. Once the daily limit is reached, Dux-Soup will snooze until midnight.

Learn more about daily limits and safety on LinkedIn.

You can find more about the Dux-Soup API on our website. Follow these links to read our API documentation: and


Should you have any further questions, feel free to contact Dux-Soup support at and we will be happy to help!


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