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February 13, 2019

LinkedIn Warning

Oh no, you were logged out of LinkedIn and got a warning for using an automated tool?!

Before you get angry or start panicking, please note that it can happen to anyone, even if you are not using LinkedIn automation tools.

Dux-Soup is a Chrome extension that imitates your natural behaviour on LinkedIn by visiting profiles, sending connection requests and endorsing profiles for you. If you do not follow our recommended settings for a beginner account and jump straight to 500 profile visits a day, there is a chance that LinkedIn will notice this unnatural behaviour and log you out.

In this article we are going to cover some ways to resolve this issue and make sure it doesn’t happen again!

Why did this happen?

There are several scenarios why you have received a warning from LinkedIn:

  • You were visiting profiles too quickly. If you set a robot speed to “Fast: 500 profiles a minute”, chances are you will get locked out.
  • You were not leaving long enough pauses between the profile visits. Some users are focused on getting the profile data scraped as quickly as possible and because of this, LinkedIn can quickly detect that you are using an automated tool.
  • You were visiting too many profiles daily. Remember, if you just started using Dux-Soup, it is recommended to start with a lower number of profile visits. We will talk about the specific numbers in the next section.
  • You were using LinkedIn (replying to messages, checking some profiles etc.) and running Dux-Soup at the same time.

What to do?

The first thing you MUST do is give Dux-Soup a rest for a couple of days and refrain from sending messages or connection requests. If your account gets restricted, it is better to contact the LinkedIn support team directly and they will provide you with more information on when the restriction will be lifted. When contacting LinkedIn support we suggest you let them do the talking and not to mention you are using Dux-Soup.

How to avoid it?

After your Dux-Soup account has had a break for a couple of days, it’s time to get back to LinkedIn and re-consider your strategy. You do not want to get in trouble again and it’s important to choose your daily limits and Dux-Soup settings wisely. Here are our recommended steps:

  1. Set your Dux-Soup Throttling settings to the lowest possible. To access these settings, navigate to Options and click on the Throttling tab. Here you will be able to change the following options:

a) Robot Speed. It is important to select the slowest speed and to make sure you leave enough pauses between the profile visits. We recommend setting your profile visiting to 50 profiles per hour, scanning to 3 pages per minute and leaving 10 minute pauses after every 5 profile visits.

This is to minimize the risk of being logged out of LinkedIn again and keep your account safe.

b) Daily visits should be set to no more than 50–100 profiles a day and connection requests to no more than 25 a day. This is to make sure you are not too active on LinkedIn. Our goal is to keep your account safe and this should be your main priority over anything else. Remember, you will be able to increase these limits after a while so be patient.

Leave these Throttling settings for a few weeks and monitor your account. As you’re on the slowest settings possible, your account should not get in trouble.

2. Do not use LinkedIn while Dux-Soup is working. LinkedIn tracks your activity on the page and your clicks, so if you are browsing on LinkedIn while Dux-Soup is running, you can get into trouble. Let Dux-Soup complete the work before jumping on LinkedIn and it will minimize the risk of you being logged out.

3. Set up the planner. One of the ways to make Dux-Soup work look more natural to LinkedIn is to set up a planner. The planner lets you select the hours when Dux-Soup is running and when it’s snoozing. To find the planner, go to your browser and click on the Dux-Soup icon on the top right handside. It will open a drop down menu where you have to choose “Planner” at the top. Here you will see this:

These are the default settings which means that Dux-Soup runs from Monday to Sunday between 6am to 11pm. It is better to spread the working hours throughout the day and leave one hour gaps in between, as shown in the example below:

Don’t forget to click “Save” in order for the Planner to work. If you need a quick recap on how to use the planner and select the best settings for it, please read our blog post about it here.

We hope you found this article useful. You can always message us if you need any help or have questions/suggestions — email them all to or find with us on the live chat.


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